Career Direction

Looking for a job in your local area? Here are 6 tips to help you re-think your job search

Looking for a job in your local area? Here are 6 tips to help you re-think your job search

For many reasons, working locally in the ‘burbs can be a satisfying career move. However, the usual job search strategies don’t always apply if you are looking for a job that is in your local suburban area and here’s a few reasons why ...

Just How Important is Networking? Here is scientific proof ...

We are always told that building and maintaining a network is key to our career, but is there any real proof that networking can help us to access the 70%-80% of jobs that never advertised, but filled through word of mouth? This video from Science Alert "Are we really all connected by just six degrees of separation?" doesn't explicitly set out to prove that fact, but it does provide hard evidence that making random connections with others is a powerful strategy towards landing that next job.

six degrees of separation